Selasa, 27 Juli 2010

Oleh2 dari Bu Rusmi

Ya.. sesuai judulnya
Tadi siang (27/7) pas jam pelajaran terakhir yaitu sosiologi, Bu Rusmi minta tlng buat benerin laptopnya.
Mnrt beliau internetnya ngga bisa konek, ga taw kenapa.
Ok.. pas pelajarannya gw coba utak atik laptopnya Bu Rusmi disambi dengerin pelajaran jg hehehe

Baru buka IE (Internet Explorer) gw ketik, lha koq ga bisa?!
gw coba ternyata bisa
gw cb lagi (situs antivirus) ga bisa
gw coba bisa...
wah... klo gini ceritanya sich paling2 virus Conficker yg sempet dl populer di Sedes...
gw lngsung browsing nyari Conficker removal & ketemu!
gw download trus cobain deh di laptopnya Bu Rusmi & nampaklah si Conficker itu.
Tapi pas buka IE buka site kok masih ga bisa??? Wat de hell??
Akhirnya gw kluarin Antivirus andalan gw Norton Antivirus 2010, gw install & gw remove Avira (antivirus yg lama). Selesai install, langsung gw pilih Quick Scan. Ternyata confickernya masih ketinggalan 1 (cape deh =.=").
Abis scan gw restart laptopnya & smua berjalan normal hohoho~....

Ga kerasa bel pulang dah bunyi (klo sambil laptopan rasanya 2 jam pelajaran cepet banget).
Gw laporan sm Bu Rusmi trus Bu Rusmi ngecek laptopnya...
"Terima kasih nak... kalau begini kan saya bisa nyari konflik sosial buat bahan ajar" kt Bu Rusmi
"Wah... sama2 bu.. hehehe" kt gw...
"Sebentar2... ini ada oleh untuk kamu Vin..." kt Bu Rusmi
(wedew... koq malah ada oleh2) batin q wkwk
Ternyata ada 3 gantungan kunci dari Singapore & Malaysia oleh2 dari Study Banding guru2 Sedes yg lalu...
"Ini Vin, dari kmrn saya ingat mau membelikan oleh2 ini untuk kamu, ini pilih yang mana?" kt Bu Rusmi.
"Terima kasih banyak bu... saya pilih yg Singapore deh Bu... Trims lho bu ^^" kt gw
(Puji Tuhan gw diinget mpe ke Singapore & Malaysia wkwkwkwk) :D
"OK.. kamu mau pulang?" kt Bu Rusmi
"Iya bu... skali lagi trims ya bu.." kata gw
"Iya Vin, saya juga terima kasih buat antivirusnya..."
"sama2 bu...."

Akhirnya gw pulang deh
Unforgettable Moment :)

Penampakan :

Sabtu, 24 Juli 2010

Symphonie de Sedes

Symphonie de Sedes... Acara malam inagurasi MOS SMA Sedes Sapientiae Semarang yang diadakan tgl 17 Juli 2010 yang lalu merupakan suatu ajang pentas seni dari berbagai extra kurikuler yang ada di Sedes untuk menyambut siswa kelas X yang baru memasuki SMA Sedes.
Acaranya sangat meriah dan berjalan sangat lancar dari awal sampai akhir.
Kebetulan gw terlibat di dalamnya sebagai fotografer (bwt ganjel Jovian sang fotografer utama).
Ada yg mau di foto lagi? hehehe

Berikut foto2nya :
Gw in action :D
Visual Effects

Siswa Kelas X - Welcome to Sedes

Puncak Acara - Candle Light dari OSIS, Panitia, & SSC

Buat foto lengkapnya bisa klik di sini.

Senin, 12 Juli 2010

MOS SMA Sedes Sapientiae Semarang + Foto

Hari ni Senin 12 Juli 2010, saatnya untuk sebagian besar siswa baru memasuki sekolahnya masing2.Salah satunya di SMA Sedes ini, kebetulan gw dapet tugas motret2in MOS di hari pertama ini...

Seperti biasanya, ada aja "artis" alias siswa yg aneh2 muncul di MOS. Dari 1 kelas ke kelas laennyagw masukin & foto. Ada yang bener2 kompak, ada yang kompak ributnya, ada yang disuru nyanyi cuma cengar cengir aja, ada yang bikin Kakak OSISnya frustasi, dll. Seru deh yang namanya MOS, yg penting buat anak2 MOS enjoy aja, jangan kebanyakan pikiran negatif ke segalah hal dalam MOS. Justru karena kalian menjalani dengan bersungut2 rasanya MOS selama 5 hari ni rasanya luamaaaa banget...

Ow iya, kalo ada saran atau apalah yang ingin kalian bicara'in sama Kakak OSIS, tmn sekelasmu, Guru2, langsung diomongin aja alias disampaikan jangan malah "ngrasani" di belakang (apa untungnya coba?) hehehe

OK... Ni beberapa Fotonya
Foto lengkapnya ada di sini.

Minggu, 11 Juli 2010

Kembali ke Sekolah (2010-2011)

Hmm.. Gak terasa ya liburan kenaikan kelas udah selesai. Banyak banget hal2 seru & ga terlupakan selama liburan kemaren. Mulai dari Semarang ke Majenang, dari Majenang ke Jakarta & Muter2 plus ditemani macetnya Jakarta, Hunting Kuliner, Foto, & Mall2 barunya Jakarta sampe balik lagi ke Semarang... weww...

Di hari terakhir liburan ini (Minggu) gw sama temen gw, Glenn. Cabut hunting foto ke daerah Tanah Mas & Marina... Lah ga disangka2 malah ujan geres pas di jalan Wolter Monginsidi menuju Marina. Lebih ngeri lagi pas masuk arteri pelabuhan, ujannya tambah deres. Mana gw & Glenn naek motor lagi, di tas gw ada Netbook Anoa (yg baru dpt dari OM gw hehehe), Kamera Poket, Charger & baterainya, HP, sama Dompet. Parah dah, tp untungnya ga basah sm sekali, kameranya Glenn jg (Canon EOS 1000D) hehehe... Saking deresnya tu ujan mpe ga bisa liat jalanan rasanya ditambah kiri kanan truk smua =.=" Ngerii.... Akhirnya kami putusin buat neduh & makan di Pondok Daun & hunting fotonya batal (cape deh....) abis makan pulang deh kita dengan membawa oleh2 jaket & celana yang basah ckckck

Sampe rumah.. Yeah.. ini saatnya buat mikirin sekolah di hari esok... hmm...
Gw beres2 deh & gak lupa buat "manasin" printer biar ga macet tu tintanya.
Gw charge jg batre kamera buat iseng2 dokumentasi MOS besok. Rasanya ga sabar deh pengen cepet2 besok sekolah. Ow iya kelas gw (XII IPS 1) juga ga dioplos murid2nya aseekkk... :D
OK... Happy Holiday? Happy Study @ School too.... :)

Jumat, 09 Juli 2010

Perjalanan Windows Dari Masa ke Masa

Yeah... Ni First Post gw di blog ini...
Kali ini tentang artikel Microsoft Windows. Software Operating System yang paling populer saat ini dan paling banyak digunakan. Ada kalanya kita mesti tau gimana sih si yang namanya Windows itu dari yang jadul sampai yang terbarunya ini (Windows 7). Jangan cuma asal pake doank.... hehehe :D
Oke langsung aja ini dia... (blm ditranslate... pada bisa Bhs Inggris kan?)

Windows 1.0

The first version of Windows provided a new software environment for developing and running applications that use bitmap displays and mouse pointing devices. Before Windows, PC users relied on the MS-DOS® method of typing commands at the C prompt (C:\). With Windows, users moved a mouse to point and click their way through tasks, such as starting applications.
In addition, Windows users could switch among several concurrently running applications. The product included a set of desktop applications, including the MS-DOS file management program, a calendar, card file, notepad, calculator, clock, and telecommunications programs, which helped users manage day-to-day activities.

Windows 2.0

Windows 2.0 took advantage of the improved processing speed of the Intel 286 processor, expanded memory, and inter-application communication capabilities made possible through Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE). With improved graphics support, users could now overlap windows, control screen layout, and use keyboard combinations to move rapidly through Windows operations. Many developers wrote their first Windows–based applications for this release.
The follow-up release, Windows 2.03, took advantage of the protected mode and extended memory capabilities of the Intel 386 processor. Subsequent Windows releases continued to improve the speed, reliability, and usability of the PC as well as interface design and capabilities.

Windows 3.0

The third major release of the Windows platform from Microsoft offered improved performance, advanced graphics with 16 colors, and full support of the more powerful Intel 386 processor. A new wave of 386 PCs helped drive the popularity of Windows 3.0, which offered a wide range of useful features and capabilities. The popularity of Windows 3.0 grew with the release of a new Windows software development kit (SDK), which helped software developers focus more on writing applications and less on writing device drivers. Widespread acceptance among third-party hardware and software developers helped fuel the success of Windows 3.0.

Windows for Work groups 3.11

Windows for Workgroups 3.11 added peer-to-peer workgroup and domain networking support. For the first time, Windows–based PCs were network-aware and became an integral part of the emerging client/server computing evolution. Windows for Workgroups was used in local area networks (LANs) and on standalone PCs and laptop computers. It added features of special interest to corporate users, such as centralized configuration and security, significantly improved support for Novell NetWare networks, and remote access service (RAS).

Windows NT 3.1

When Microsoft Windows NT® was released to manufacturing on July 27, 1993, Microsoft met an important milestone: the completion of a project begun in the late 1980s to build an advanced new operating system from scratch. "Windows NT represents nothing less than a fundamental change in the way that companies can address their business computing requirements," Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates said at its release.

That change is represented in the product's name: "NT" stands for new technology. To maintain consistency with Windows 3.1, a well-established home and business operating system at the time, the new Windows NT operating system began with version 3.1. Unlike Windows 3.1, however, Windows NT 3.1 was a 32-bit operating system.

Windows NT was the first Windows operating system to combine support for high-end, client/server business applications with the industry's leading personal productivity applications. It was initially available in both a desktop (workstation) version and a server version called Windows NT Advanced Server. The desktop version was well received by developers because of its security, stability, and Microsoft Win32® application programming interface (API)—a combination that made it easier to support powerful programs. The result was a strategic business platform that could also function as a technical workstation to run high-end engineering and scientific applications.

Windows 95

Windows 95 integrated a 32-bit TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) stack for built-in Internet support, dial-up networking, and new Plug and Play capabilities that made it easy for users to install hardware and software. The 32-bit operating system also offered enhanced multimedia capabilities, more powerful features for mobile computing, and integrated networking.

Windows 98

Windows 98 was the upgrade from Windows 95. Described as an operating system that "Works Better, Plays Better," Windows 98 was the first version of Windows designed specifically for consumers.
With Windows 98, users could find information more easily on their PCs as well as the Internet. Other ease-of-use improvements included the ability to open and close applications more quickly, support for reading DVD discs, and support for universal serial bus (USB) devices.

Windows ME

Designed for home computer users, Windows Me offered consumers numerous music, video, and home networking enhancements and reliability improvements.
For example, to help consumers troubleshoot their systems, the System Restore feature let users roll back their PC software configuration to a date or time before a problem occurred. Windows Movie Maker provided users with the tools to digitally edit, save, and share home videos. And with Microsoft Windows Media® Player 7 technologies, users could find, organize, and play digital media easily.

Windows 2000

Built on top of the proven Windows NT Workstation 4.0 code base, Windows 2000 added major improvements in reliability, ease of use, Internet compatibility, and support for mobile computing. Among other improvements, Windows 2000 Professional simplified hardware installation by adding support for a wide variety of new Plug and Play hardware, including advanced networking and wireless products, USB devices, IEEE 1394 devices, and infrared devices.

Windows XP Professional

Windows XP Professional brings the solid foundation of Windows 2000 to the PC desktop, enhancing reliability, security, and performance. With a fresh visual design, Windows XP Professional includes features for business and advanced home computing, including remote desktop support, an encrypting file system, and system restore and advanced networking features. Key enhancements for mobile users include wireless 802.1x networking support, Windows Messenger, and Remote Assistance.

Windows Vista Ultimate

The most complete edition of Windows Vista—with the power, security, and mobility features that you need for work and all of the entertainment features that you want for fun.
Windows Vista Ultimate is the choice for those who want to have it all. Easily shift between the worlds of productivity and play with the most complete edition of Windows Vista. Ultimate provides the power, security, and mobility features needed for work, and all the entertainment features that you want for fun.

Windows 7

It is more reliable, more responsive, and to make the things consumers do every day easier, which Windows 7 was built around consumers' feedback.
Windows 7 works the way businesses want. It makes users productive anywhere, delivers enhanced security and control to reduce risk, and streamlines PC manageability to reduce costs. It is also the best operating system for work and home. Windows 7 Professional works the way customers want, enables customers to get more done and safeguards their work.